Legal Protection against Discrimination in South East Europe: Regional Study, 2016

Legal Protectio against Discrimination in South East Europe - Regional Study

„The publication “Legal Protection against Discrimination in South East Europe: Regional Study” is consisted of papers presenting the experts’ findings from the conducted comprehensive regional research on anti-discrimination in SEE countries. It is a direct product of the regional project with same title, implemented with support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Open Regional Fund for South East Europe-Legal reform and by the South East European Law School Network (SEELS), Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) from Vienna, and the respective states’ anti-discrimination authorities. The book is structured in three parts: 1) Syntesis Report on Legal Protection against Discrimination in SEE; 2) National Reports on Legal Protection against Discrimination and 3) Conclusions and Recommendations.“

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South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Aspects. 2015

South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Aspects. 2015The publication “South Eastern Europe and the European Union – Legal Aspects” is the first volume of the series of papers of the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law. The series is a compilation of articles from authors of different partner law faculties in Germany and South Eastern Europe. This collection of papers can serve as a forum for academic staff and young academics of the partner faculties in the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence to publish their research results on relevant questions in European and International Law. In addition to the traditional areas of law, specific areas of interest include: the integration of SEE countries in the European Union, issues of legal reform and implementation of the aquis communautaire, best practices in legal reform and approximation of legislation in the region of South Eastern Europe and the EU. The series will be published on a yearly basis and is peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board.

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European Law – Selected Documents Concerning South Eastern Europe, 2015

European Law – Selected Documents Concerning South Eastern Europe, 2015The issue “European Law – Selected Documents Concerning South Eastern Europe” as a part of the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law, is consisted of the key documents of European law with special focus on South Eastern Europe. The collection includes relevant European Law documents from both the EU and the Council of Europe as well. It also includes the Treaty between the Member States of the European Union and the Republic of Croatia concerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, as well as the relevant Stabilisation and Association Agreements between the European Union and their Member states on the one hand and the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia on the other hand.

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Conference Proceedings: Regional Project “Public Notaries’ and Enforcement Agents’ Education Models in South Eastern Europe”, 2015

Conference Proceedings: Regional Project “Public Notaries’ and Enforcement Agents’ Education Models in South Eastern Europe”, 2015The Regional Project Public Notaries’ and Enforcement Agents’ Education Models in South Eastern Europe is carried out by the South East European Law School Network (SEELS) with support of the EU funded Rule of Law and Enforcement project as well as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Legal and Judicial Reform Program in Serbia. The main aim of the project was to establish the level of cooperation which exists in continuous education of Public Notaries and the Enforcement Agents between the academia, the respective professional organisations as well as the judicial training institutions.

EU Administrative Law and its Impact on the Process of Public Administration Reform and Integration into the European Administrative Space of South East European Countries, 2014

EU Administrative Law and its Impact on the Process of Public Administration Reform and Integration into the European Administrative Space of South East European Countries, 2014The publication contains the observation and analyses of the findings that sourced from a survey which observed the extent to which the standards of EAS are implemented at the national level in the respective countries from the academic standpoint. The survey and analyses were conducted during 2014 and represent the results that were presented at a Regional Conference that was held in Zagreb. The findings as well as the key conclusions and recommendations conveyed by the experts participating in this project, were summarized and published in this publication.

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European Union Law Application by the National Courts of the EU-Membership Aspirant Countries from South East Europe, 2014

European Union Law Application by the National Courts of the EU-Membership Aspirant Countries from South East Europe, 2014As the final result of the project that monitored the SEE courts’ capacity to apply EU Law in the past period this publication that contains the analyses and key findings of the engaged regional experts on this important issue was published. The survey succeeded in creating a practical as well as theoretical framework which could be used for monitoring the capacities of the SEE aspirant countries’ courts for application of the EU laws during their pre-accession (and post accession) stages in future. The findings of this, we hope first in a series of many, monitoring were published in this book and they give structured insight in the application of the EU law in the region by the respective courts.

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Promotion of Scientific Research and Education in European Integration and Policy, 2014

Promotion of Scientific Research and Education in European Integration and Policy, 2014This publication represents a result of the regional research of the SEE countries on the EU integration and policy issues, that is a product of joint efforts and research of the experts in these specific fields and was carried out in the 2014 culminating with the Regional Conference that was held on 27th and 28th of May, at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka. The 9 regional and 2 international experts were presenting their findings on the research that was carried out in 4 specific fields. Their observations, conclusions and recommendations were published in this publication.

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New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014This publication is a sublimation of the works of the most distinguished young researchers from the region of SEE who have participated at the SEE Post-doc Colloquium in Public Law in Tirana, held from 10th to 11th of April 2014. The discussions and the topics that were analysed at this event and as a result published in the papers of this publication contain observations on specific institutes of Public Law including – international law, human rights, constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law. The goal of the colloquium and this publication subsequently is to contribute towards exchange of ideas and knowledge among the young researchers of the region.

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Networking of Lawyers in Advanced Teaching and Research of EU Law post - Lisbon, 2013

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014This publication is a final product of the project SEE Law Net: Networking of Lawyers in Advanced Teaching and Research of EU Law post-Lisbon. The project was implemented by Europa Institut, Saarland University and SEELS in 2013. The project was targeting young academics from the SEE region which were trained in methodologies of teaching and research in the field of EU Law. As a final activity the participants were asked to provide a paper on different legal topic mainly comparative analyses of certain EU Law aspect vis-à-vis the legislation of their own respective countries. For some of the participants this was also a firs time to publish in a publication edited by an International Editorial Board.

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Civil Law Forum for South East Europe, Collection of studies and analyses - Third Regional Conference, 2013

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014The Book includes the results of the work and researches of the outstanding academics being members of the Civil Law Forum presented at the Third Civil Law Forum Regional Conference held on 11th and 12th March 2013 in Tirana. The collection of articles within this Book are prepared by the members of the Civil Law Forum and supported by numerous experts, academics and young researchers from the SEELS members. The topics elaborated are divided into five parts of this Book: 1) Autonomy and antidiscrimination in Private Law; 2) Arbitration; 3) Autonomy of Will in the Civil Law; 4) Dejudicialization of Enforcement Function; and 5) Notary in the Aim of Unburdening the Courts.

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Civil Law Forum for South East Europe, Collection of studies and analyses - Second Regional Conference, Volume I and Volume III, 2012

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014The collection of articles within this Book are prepared by the members of the Civil Law Forum and supported by numerous experts, academics and young researchers from the SEELS members. The topics elaborated are divided into six parts: 1) Recent Developments in the field of Civil Law in South East Europe; 2) Liability for Material Defects; 3) Liability for Legal Defects; 4) Remedies for Non- performance in Sales Contracts - Damage and Interest; 5) E-conclusion of Contracts; and 6) Unfair Contract Terms in General Contract Law. The collection presents the results of the working groups in two volumes: Volume I published in English language and Volume II published in local languages. In each of the two Volumes, at the beginning the contributions per each of the six topics are given by the members of the Civil Law Forum, followed in Annexes with the comparative analyses and country reports prepared by the young researchers from the SEELS members.

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New Perspectives of South East European Private Law South East European Post - Doctoral Colloquium in Private Law, 2012

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014The publication is result of the SEE Post – Doctoral Colloquium in Private Law, contain the researches presented and discussed at the event. The areas of law that are covered in the publication include different fields of Private Law,: Civil Law, Family Law, Commercial Law, Labour Law, Competition Law, Private International Law, Civil Procedure and European Private Law. This publication, edited by International Editorial Board, is a form of a documentation of the research of the authors in their respective fields that were covered on the colloquium held in Zagreb in September 2012.

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Summer Academy “Rule of Law, Human Rights and European Union”, 2012

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014This publication was the final output of the project Summer Academy – Rule of Law, Human Rights and European Union. It contains selection of academic papers by a distinguished pool of law professors from the SEE countries and Germany who delivered lectures at the event which was held 25th and 26th of June in 2012 in Montenegro. The summer academy was an excellent opportunity for exchange of ideas and comparison of experiences among experts as well as for creation of common platform for future work of the SEELS members in their joint efforts towards the common coal for integration in the EU through the respect of Rule of Law and human rights protection. The publication was created to serve as a regional manual for students, wider academic and social community, as well as to serve as a basis for further exploration and research in the field.

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Legal perspectives of gender equality in South East Europe, 2012

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014As a final output of the related project the publication – Legal Perspectives of Gender Equality in South East Europe was published. This book represents a comprehensive analysis of the national legal framework and compliance of the same with the EU Gender Equality Law in the SEE countries. In addition to this the analyses also tackles the situation with the national policies and institutional framework on gender equality, gender equality in legal professions and legal education, Curricula Gender mainstreaming and addressing the gender bias in judiciary training programs, giving concrete conclusions and recommendations. This publication comes as a direct output of the Regional Conference on “Legal Perspectives of Gender Equality in South East Europe” which was held from 24th to 25th September in 2012 at the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law.

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Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods and of the system of International Commercial Arbitration in Southeast Europe, 2011

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014The Project “Regional Implementation of the Convention on International Sales of Goods and International Commercial Arbitration” (CISGICA Project), part of a broader effort of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) to improve the legal framework in South East Europe, was launched in partnership with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and other regional institutions with a view to strengthening an enabling regional environment for cross-border transactions through the promotion of a harmonised legal framework.

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Civil Law Forum for South East Europe, Collection of studies and analyses, First Regional Conference, Volume I Volume II and Volume III, 2010

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014The Project “Regional Implementation of the Convention on International Sales of Goods and International Commercial Arbitration” (CISGICA Project), part of a broader effort of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) to improve the legal framework in South East Europe, was launched in partnership with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and other regional institutions with a view to strengthening an enabling regional environment for cross-border transactions through the promotion of a harmonised legal framework.

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Country Reports on Notary Service in SEE, 2009

New Perspectives of South East European Public Law, 2014The Regional Working Meeting on Notariat and Its Role in Transition of South East Europe took place in Zenica on 19 - 22 March, 2009. Representatives of the Ministries of Justice of the countries in the region, notaries and Notary Chambers took part in the Working Meeting. The Meeting was organized by the GTZ - Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal Reform (ORF) and the Notary Chamber of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic chosen for the Meeting is of great significance to the countries that have already introduced notariat (notary public), such as the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia and Republic of Macedonia, as well as the countries preparing to introduce notary service (i.e. Monte Negro, or rather the countries that opted for the establishment of notary service, such as the Republic of Serbia). The goal of this publication is to present the notary services in the countries throughout the region; sum up the experiences and help in the establishment of notary services in the countries in a need of one. We believe that the papers presented in this collection of works shall help better understanding of the current notary service situation across the region and help the relevant notary laws implementation be carried out in a smooth and prompt manner. It is of utmost importance to exchange experiences and pass on the lessons learned, both positive and negative, by the countries with the established notariat at the early stage of the relevant notary service laws implementation with an aim to assist and improve the establishment and functioning of notary public service.

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